Whoo! It has been a while since I posted anything and there is a ton to share. Look for a lot of posts in the next few days as I catch up and give you a peek at the coming weeks.
First, I am heartbroken over the loss of our flock. It only takes a moment . . . but we were able to get 12 new babies so off we go on another chicken raising adventure. We have 4 Rhode Island Reds, 4 Barred Rocks, and - new this time - 4 Black Australorps.
Now, the garden is under attack - again - I have had to spray (sigh) and though it is organic, I feel like I lost some integrity there. I have lost almost all the napa, spinach, lettuce, and collards to caterpillars and flea beetles. The tomatoes, however, are taking the garden OVER! They are enormous and are pulling their cages out of the ground. I am definitely investing in the giant galvanized cages in February! I cannot wait for these guys to be ready to eat!
As far as Yggdrasil Creations is going, we are discontinuing jewelry except for leather and bead bracelets to concentrate on the apothecary - lotions and potions galore. More about that tomorrow!